About JQAN
JQAN, Japan Quality and Accountability Network, was set up in 2015. It was established based on review of 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake response by Japanese NGO/NPO sector. One of the findings were that Japanese NGO/NPO sector need to better understand and make use of the humanitarian principles and related standards to deliver human-centered humanitarian response. The group of like-minded humanitarian responders got together to establish JQAN with major activity area as below. JQAN is governed by steering committee and secretariat service provided by JANIC.

1.Advocacy and networking

- Advocacy toward donors and public in Japan.
- Collaboration with Japan Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (JVOAD) to promote humanitarian standards among domestic disaster responders.
- Participation to international discussion on standards as Japanese focal point such as The Sphere Handbook-Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response and Core Humanitarian Standards on Quality and Accountability (CHS) and others.
2.Capacity Building

Launch event of Sphere Handbook 2018 in Japanese in October 2019 with support from Sphere secretariat

2 days training of Sphere Handbook 2018
- Translation of Sphere Handbook and related documents.
- Implementation of training and seminars on Sphere Handbook and CHS in Japanese.
- Training of trainers (Implementation report for Dec 2023)
- Members
(Organization) -
- AAR Japan (Association for Aid and Relief, Japan)
- Adachisaigai(Disaster)Rennkei(Cooperate)Voraunter(Conference)
- Child Fund Japan
- Community Disaster Risk Reduction Association: CoDRRA
- CPMS Network Japan
- CWS Japan
- Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID)
- Global Friendship Inc.
- Habitat for Humanity Japan
- Humanitarian Medical Assistance (HuMA)
- International Children’s Action Network (ICAN)
- iRescue Japan
- Japan Association for Refugees (JAR)
- Japan Center for Disaster Prevention, Education and Training
- Japan First Aid Society (JFAS)
- Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation
- Japan Platform
- Japan Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (JVOAD)
- Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP)
- JEN (Japan Emergency NGO)
- Matsuou Trading Company
- NPO)machinobousaikenkyuukai
- 親不知(Oyashirazu) SURF RESCUE
- Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV)
- Peace Winds Japan (PWJ)
- Shanti Volunteer Association (SVA)
- Shapla Neer = Citizens’ Committee in Japan for Overseas Support
- Shinnyo-en Relief Volunteers (SeRV)
- Training Center for Gender & Disaster Risk Reduction
- Wakachiai Project
- Donors
(In alphabetical order)
JQAN has been supported by following donors. -
- G2Asia
- International Medical Corps
- Japan Platform
- Mercy Corps
- SeRV
- Steering Committee Member
(In alphabetical order) -
- AAR Japan
- Community Disaster Risk Reduction Association: CoDRRA
- CPMS Network Japan
- CWS Japan
- Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
- Japan Platform (JPF)
- Japan Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (JVOAD)
- Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV)
- Peace Winds Japan (PWJ)
- Secretariat Contact
- Email: qa@janic.org
Address: c/o JANIC, AVACO 5F, 2-3-18, Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 155-0033